Five Questions You Should Be Asking The Orthodontist

It’s normal to interview a prospective orthodontist before you make the decision to get braces or Invisalign. Asking questions and getting to know the orthodontist is the best way for you to find the orthodontic office that will be the best fit for you. After all, once you get started, you could be visiting the same Sturbridge orthodontic office for many years.  But, your questions shouldn’t end after the initial consultation. Asking questions throughout your treatment will help you to learn more about your health and keep you engaged in your orthodontic progress. Ask your orthodontist these 5 questions during your next visit:

  1. Are you comfortable with my progress? Even if you haven’t seen a huge change in your smile since your last visit, your orthodontist has a strategic plan for your smile, and he’s got a timeline in mind as to how things should be moving along. To understand more about your orthodontist’s strategic plan for your smile, ask how he feels about your progress.
  2. What can I do between appointments to help? What you do between your orthodontic appointments can either help or hinder your progress. Make sure you are doing all that you can to help (and find out if you’re doing anything that is slowing you down).
  3. How is my oral hygiene? Poor oral hygiene can hinder your progress and harm your health. Ask the orthodontist and assistants if there are any areas that you might not be cleaning well enough.
  4. What oral health products should I be using? The right products will keep you healthier and more comfortable. Find out if you should be using extra fluoride, special rinses, or electric toothbrushes during your normal routine.
  5. Is there anything that my general dentist needs to know? You should continue to see your general dentist during your orthodontic process. Ask if your orthodontist has noticed any issues that should be brought to your dentist’s attention. Keep the lines of communication open if you want to receive the very best care.

To speak with an orthodontist in Sturbridge who’ll be glad to answer your questions, call to schedule your appointment today.

Professional Female Surfer Promotes Orthodontics

Braces can be challenging at any age, but during the teen and preteen years, the experience can sometimes be especially difficult. The process can occasionally take longer than expected, and you could wind up feeling as though you see the orthodontist more than anyone else in Sturbridge. No matter how tough the road may be, professional surfer and shark attack survivor Bethany Hamilton wants you to know that it’s worth the ride and you shouldn’t give up.

Hamilton is the pro surfer who miraculously survived a horrific shark attack as depicted in the movie Soul Surfer. Hamilton’s left arm was bitten off in the attack but she was able to find the strength to recover from her injuries and return to the sport that she loved. She now uses her platform as an athlete and a celebrity to encourage teens, children, and adults to keep going. She believes that you can smile through adversity, no matter what challenges life throws. Besides the shark attack, she’s faced a number of challenges in life. For example, she’s no stranger to orthodontic treatment.

Hamilton’s orthodontic journey began when she was 14 years old. She was diagnosed with a severe underbite, a narrow arch, and severe crowding. She also suffered from an open bite—a condition that prevents the front teeth from fitting together, even when the jaw is closed. Although her severe diagnosis could have required surgical treatment, her orthodontist was able to correct her smile and bite with the use of a cutting-edge orthodontic bracket system.

Bethany Hamilton is one of more than 3 million orthodontic patients who have enjoyed the transformational results of the Damon orthodontic system. She is now an advocate for other patients who want to overcome their orthodontic challenges. To find out if the Damon System is available in Sturbridge, call to consult an orthodontist today.

Orthodontist Warns Against Diy Braces

The idea of straightening your teeth at home may sound funny at first, but many people in our community are searching for a cheaper and easier alternative to braces. Sturbridge orthodontists get it. Braces aren’t cheap. However, there are lots of long-term benefits to be enjoyed when you make the financial investment to improve your oral health. On the flip side, their risk of a bad outcome is so great when it comes to do-it-yourself braces, that orthodontists are urging you to leave it to the professionals.

Moving and aligning the teeth is a process that involves a tremendous knowledge of science, medicine, and mechanics. For this reason, dentists must complete roughly 8 years of college BEFORE beginning to learn about the dental specialty known as orthodontics. It’s a lengthy and expensive education. However, it’s a worthwhile process because you wouldn’t trust your oral health to someone who hasn’t been well trained. You’d only trust your smile to someone who knows how to prevent complications, handle unexpected situations, and produce the best possible smile for you. Now ask yourself: are you qualified to straighten your teeth? If you’re not an orthodontist, the answer is “Of course not!”

Although the process of straightening the teeth may look easy on YouTube, don’t skip out on professional orthodontic care by taking matters into your own hands. Only a trained and experienced orthodontist knows how to:

  • Recognize potential problems
  • Properly establish a stable bite
  • Recognize treatment limitations
  • Reduce the risk of bone loss, root destruction, ligament damage

The internet features lots of tutorials and kits for DIY braces, but there is no way to reverse the damage that can be caused when you experiment with your oral health. Remember that no kit can replace the education, training, and experience of an orthodontic professional. For safely straightened teeth, contact an orthodontist in Sturbridge today.

Top Orthodontists Recommends These 4 Things

You might think that orthodontists only care about one thing– straight teeth. While orthodontists are certainly concerned about straightening your teeth, their primary passion is to promote healthy teeth. Braces and other orthodontic appliances can challenge you significantly as you try to keep your teeth and gums healthy, so top orthodontists in Sturbridge recommend these 4 tips to keep you on track:

Invest in a power toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes have come a long way in the last decade. Today’s power brushes can polish the teeth, reach further under the gums, and get into the crevices of most orthodontic appliances. It is possible to do a thorough job with a manual brush, but power toothbrushes can take the guesswork out of the process.

Rinse well and rinse often. Loosely attached plaque and food particles are notorious for causing bad breath and staining. If this residue is allowed to remain on the teeth and braces for too long, then the risk for cavities and gum diseases begins to rise considerably. Flushing the mouth out with water or mouthwash can help to keep you cleaner and healthier throughout the day.

Choose the right foods. A healthy diet is essential to good oral health, but when you have braces, your food choices become even more crucial. Sugary foods and drinks, sticky foods, and carbohydrates can create an acidic environment within the mouth, making the teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay. Even after you brush, your orthodontic appliances can make it difficult to reach some areas. Opting for fruits, vegetables, and water will make the cleaning process less challenging.

Keep your dentist nearby. Your routine dental checkups are more important than ever during the orthodontic process. Maintain a normal schedule with your general dentist and make sure that there is clear communication between the general and orthodontic offices.

For other oral health tips from the top orthodontists in Sturbridge, call to schedule your appointment today.

Are You A Candidate For Removable Braces?

Teeth Braces / Orthodontics in Sturbridge, MA

If you are a teen or an adult who is interested in removable braces, then you should have no problem finding an orthodontist in Sturbridge who advertises the procedure. That’s because this alternative to conventional metal braces is incredibly appealing to almost any orthodontic patient. However, removable braces aren’t for everyone, and it’s important to know if you are a candidate for the procedure before making your final decision.

Removable braces are most effective for patients with mild to moderate orthodontic problems. The aligners are great for moving the teeth horizontally (right or left) but aren’t as effective when the teeth are rotated inward or outward. Severely overcrowded teeth, widely spaced teeth, or a severe bite problem are better managed with traditional braces, which provide the orthodontist with a better ability to control the movement of the teeth.

Removable braces also require a lot of responsibility and motivation from the patient. It’s up to you to wear your aligners around the clock, except for when you’re eating, drinking, brushing or flossing. That means that if you forget to put them back in after you take them off, then you aren’t making any progress. Similarly, your teeth won’t move according to the plan if you wear your appliance less than required. The result may be an unsatisfactory outcome or a longer course of treatment.

The Basic Rules Still Apply

Removable braces enable you to eat the hard and chewy foods that you love, but it’s still important to practice good oral hygiene like brushing, flossing, and regular dental visits throughout the year for x-rays and checkups. Along with cleaning your teeth, take the time to clean your aligners, too!

Call Our Sturbridge Dentist For Schedule Your Dental Exam Today!

Only your dentist or orthodontist can help to determine if you are a candidate for removable braces. To learn more about your options for getting straighter teethcontact an orthodontist in Sturbridge for a consultation today.

Stay In Step With Phased Ortho Treatment

The Different Phases of Orthodontic Treatment

As kids begin to lose baby teeth and permanent teeth emerge in their place, issues in alignment and/or spacing can start to show. It’s recommended that kids have an orthodontic evaluation at age 7. That’s when Dr. Ferdinand Sabelis at Sturbridge Orthodontics can evaluate a child’s smile to determine if ortho treatment is needed. Not every child requires treatment. For the ones that do, however, early intervention helps their smiles stay in step and develop in a healthy manner.

Take it From the Top

For kids, Dr. Sabelis takes a phased approach to treatment. At the initial ortho evaluation, he can assess whether permanent teeth will have enough space to easily emerge into their appropriate spots. He can also identify issues with bite alignment, which is the way the top and bottom rows of teeth fit together. (A fancier word for this is “occlusion.”) Malocclusion occurs when the rows don’t align as they should. Examples include overbite, underbite, and crossbite.

If detected early, appropriate treatment can eliminate issues that might otherwise require more extensive treatment down the road. For example, a palate expander can correct crossbite to eliminate the issues associated with malocclusion.

Phase Two

Lots of kids who undergo interceptive, or early, ortho treatment don’t require treatment at a later age. Sometimes, early treatment sets the stage for less intensive treatment down the road. Either way, it’s a win-win situation for your child, as a healthy smile can be a huge benefit with regard to confidence and overall wellbeing.

Phase two treatment may include braces to align permanent teeth. At Sturbridge Orthodontics, we offer many types of braces to suit the unique needs of our patients. Choose from traditional metal braces, ortho with Damon self-ligating braces, or metal-free Invisalign aligners. Dr. Sabelis will guide you in the process to determine the optimal treatment option for your child’s needs.

Call Us Today at Sturbridge Orthodontics For Orthodontic Treatment

Contact our state-of-the-art ortho office in Sturbridge MA today to make an appointment for your child and help set the stage for a lifetime of happy, healthy smiles.

Ortho Treatment: Take Your Pick

We live in a world that offers us lots of choices. From what you wear to what you eat to the music you listen to, you’ve got options. So, shouldn’t you have choices when it comes to orthodontic treatment? We think so. At Sturbridge OrthodonticsDr. Ferdinand Sabelis offers leading-edge care for healthy, beautiful smiles. He creates custom solutions and offers our Sturbridge ortho patients the choices they deserve.

Tried and True

Orthodontic braces provide a proven method to straighten teeth and correct bite misalignment. Braces work by applying gentle pressure to move teeth into their optimal position. In the past, metal brackets and wires were the only options available. Today, your choices abound.

Traditional “metal” braces are still a popular ortho option. Small, stainless steel brackets take up less surface space on teeth for a more pleasing appearance and increased comfort. Planned movement of a wire threaded through the brackets and held in place by tiny rubber bands called ligatures guide teeth into position. Many patients opt to personalize their braces with ligatures in a fun color.

Don’t like the look of metal brackets with colorful ligatures? Choose Damon self-ligating brackets that are more discreet. These unobtrusive brackets work just like metal ones but deliver a more aesthetic appearance that many patients like.

Let’s be Clear

Invisalign clear braces are another popular choice for Sturbridge orthodontic patients. Clear, BPA-free acrylic aligners do the work of brackets and wires – without the metal. The comfortable aligners are removable, so it’s easy to keep teeth clean during treatment. Plus, you can eat what you want. Dr. Sabelis offers traditional Invisalign and Invisalign Teen.

Do Your Own Thing

Customized ortho treatment from Sturbridge Orthodontics lets you be you! Call today to schedule an appointment.

Survival Guide For Teens With Braces

Most teens are bummed to find out that they need braces, but some Sturbridge orthodontists are helping young adults to make the most of a temporary situation. The emotional and physical rollercoaster that is adolescence can seem to become more complicated when braces are involved. During a time when image means so much, it’s tough for teens to overlook their metal brackets and wires and envision the ultimate benefit of a straighter, healthier, and more beautiful smile. And we can’t ignore the reputation that braces have earned for causing discomfort, interfering with snacks, and affecting speech.

Before your teen becomes too discouraged about braces, ease their concerns by talking about the modern orthodontic options that will make the process a little easier to bear:

Goodbye Metal Mouth-The Invisalign brand features a clear, removable orthodontic system that was designed exclusively for teens. Teens can be fitted with a series of custom-fit, clear aligners that will bring the teeth into order while being barely visible throughout the process.

Bold Statement-Today’s teens are using their dental braces to make a fun fashion statement. Most brackets are available in clear, tooth-colored, and even gold. There are also endless colors for elastics—even glow-in-the-dark!

Ease the Transition-No matter which option is chosen, getting used to braces will take some time. As the teeth move, there may be soreness, slower chewing, and changing dietary considerations. Remember to be sensitive and encouraging, talking them through their concerns if they seem stressed. The orthodontist will advise you on helping your teen with tooth or gum pain, and keep soft foods in the house so that they will have something to eat after appointments if their teeth are sore.

It is important that your children have regular dental visits to make sure their teeth are healthy and to prevent future oral health problems, as well as provide your teen with information on proper oral hygiene during this time.

What Language Does The Orthodontist Speak?

If you have spoken to a Sturbridge orthodontist about braces recently but found yourself confused by all of the jargon, there’s no need to worry. Here’s a list of the most common orthodontic terms and their definitions so that you’ll be able to speak the same language as your orthodontist on your next visit.

  • Brackets: These metal or ceramic fixtures are bonded directly to the teeth or connected to orthodontic bands to hold the archwire in place.
  • Metal bands: These metal rings wrap around the teeth, usually the molars, and are cemented in place to anchor your braces.
  • Archwires: Wires made from specialized metals like titanium are connected to the brackets and create specific amounts of force in order to move the teeth into alignment.
  • Elastic hooks: Small hooks that extend from the edge of the brackets are used to hold elastic bands in place.
  • Elastic bands: These small rubber bands help to move the teeth towards their final positions.
  • Ligatures: These tiny elastics or pieces of twisted wire are used to hold the archwire and each bracket together.
  • Power chain: This series of elastic rings are joined together to create more force in order to pull the teeth together.
  • O Rings: This is another name for the small elastic ligatures that hold the archwire into the slot on each of the brackets.

Will you need these items to get them straight and the healthy smile of your dreams? The orthodontist may use some or all of these devices to customize your orthodontic appliance. Some of them are used for specific conditions such as crossbites, overbites, and impacted teeth. Others are used for short periods of time, such as palatal expanders and springs.

Don’t let the language barrier keep you in the dark about today’s most common orthodontic terms. This handy list should be useful, but the orthodontist is your ultimate resource. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to contact a Sturbridge orthodontist today to learn more.

Get A Better Bite Without Dental Surgery

Your bite represents the way that your teeth fit together. A perfectly aligned bite is one in which the upper teeth fit just slightly over the edges of the lower teeth. Unfortunately, few of us are able to enjoy a perfect bite without help from a professional. If your bite could stand to be improved, but you’re afraid that the orthodontist will recommend surgery, talk to a Sturbridge orthodontist about your non-surgical bite correction options.

Technically, a bad bite is known as malocclusion and it’s a condition of which you might be completely unaware—at first. Properly-aligned teeth are easier to keep clean and tend to function without stress or strain. A healthy or proper bite is less likely to be compromised by gum disease or cavities. However, a bad bite tends to stain your teeth, jaws, and muscles excessively, increasing your risk for gum disease, cavities, and broken teeth. Malocclusion also promotes the symptoms of TMD/TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorders).

Although some severe malocclusion cases will require some form of dental surgery (jaw surgery), the orthodontist will first help you to explore your non-surgical bite correction options:

Night Guards – If you suffer from bruxism, a custom-made acrylic or plastic dental appliance can be worn over your top or bottom teeth while you sleep. When worn as recommended, a nightguard can reduce the wear and tear of grinding to stabilize your bite.

Tooth Reshaping – The teeth can be gently reshaped when they are fairly well aligned but still quite fitting together perfectly. A slight adjustment can help to evenly distribute your biting pressure across all of your teeth rather than just a few. The dentist can evaluate your bite and make minor adjustments until your bite is properly balanced.

Orthodontics – An experienced orthodontist is generally your best resource when your bite needs to be corrected.

Braces, retainers, and other orthodontic appliances can be used to guide your teeth into a healthier bite relationship. Although the process can take months or years to complete, most bite problems can be corrected without the need for dental surgery.

For a better bite without dental surgery, talk to an orthodontist in Sturbridge MA today.