Wisdom Teeth & Orthodontic Treatment Planning

Orthodontic treatment requires planning. To understand the process, orthodontists have spent hours training and perfecting specialized techniques to master the biomechanics rules at the core of orthodontic results.

In fact, biomechanics understands the forces of physics and their impact on the human body. To do so, orthodontists project a healthy and beautiful smile and use customized mechanical devices specially made for each patient.

However, sometimes things come in the way. For example, patients’ poor compliance with the specialist recommendations or differences in the patient’s body’s response to mechanical stress might impact the projected planning.

Also, sometimes, patients have concerns about how wisdom teeth affect orthodontic treatment outcomes. Although wisdom teeth seem to be something coming in the way that could affect orthodontic planning, they might not be as bad as we think.

This article addresses some frequent questions patients have about wisdom teeth and the challenges of Sturbridge orthodontic treatment planning.

What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Some questions we have from patients include, “When do wisdom teeth come in?” Or “Should I get Braces After My Wisdom Teeth come in?” However, before answering those questions, we first need to know what wisdom and impacted wisdom teeth are.

Wisdom teeth, as their name implies, develop at a more mature age than the rest of the teeth, which is associated with sound judgment. However, in a professional setting, they are known as third molars.

Third molars erupt following a pattern to the back of the second molars. Therefore, they are at the rear extreme of the jaw. Some people develop all four wisdom teeth, others develop some of them, and in some cases, patients don’t have any wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth are useless. You can’t bite or chew with your wisdom teeth, which could become a problem in many cases. In addition, sometimes, patients don’t have enough space in their jaws for wisdom teeth.

When there is not enough room in the jaw for wisdom teeth to erupt, they might sprout partially, angled, or just never erupt and remain below the gums. These are what we know as impacted wisdom teeth.

Wisdom teeth usually sprout between ages 17 and 25 during orthodontic treatment or before a patient considers getting into it, placing a significant concern regarding extraction.

The good news is that regularly, you don´t need to have your wisdom teeth removed before or during orthodontic treatment. This is because wisdom teeth do not exert enough strain to produce a misalignment over the rest of the teeth. In fact, an orthodontist could also cement brackets on wisdom teeth.

However, the not-that-good news is that wisdom teeth might develop impacted. Depending on the specialist evaluation, a patient might require extraction to avoid an infection or damage to other teeth.  

For instance, impacted wisdom teeth might sprout partially and angled, producing a perfect space for food to get trapped and difficult to remove mechanically by brushing.

In some cases, the gum might partially cover a wisdom tooth from above, and food might get stuck between the tooth and the gum. In both circumstances, tooth decay, gum disease, or an infection might occur that could spread, damaging a second molar.

A wisdom tooth might sprout, producing a cyst or an infection, and wisdom teeth might remain below the gums, impacting the lower part of a second molar to the pulp, and damaging a fully functional tooth.

However, the extraction of wisdom should follow a pathology associated with it. This is because the extraction of wisdom teeth might require a surgical procedure with some risks. For example, during an extraction, there is a slight possibility of damaging the ID and lingual nerves

Therefore, before considering the extraction of wisdom teeth, a patient must pass an evaluation by a professional.  

Can I Get My Wisdom Teeth Removed During Orthodontic Treatment?

Yes, you can. However, as previously stated, you must seek a specialist to perform an evaluation that includes getting a panoramic X-ray to determine the suitability and need to get an extraction.

Patients often ask how long does wisdom teeth removal take? The removal of wisdom teeth takes around 45 minutes to an hour, and it requires the administration of local and sometimes general anesthetics. 

Also, a common question from the previous one is, how long does it take for wisdom teeth to heal? In most cases, patients experience lesser pain and discomfort after the third day after surgery. 

However, you can expect a full recovery two to three weeks after surgery; it all depends on a patient following the medical prescription and oral surgeon’s recommendations. 

Can Wisdom Teeth Shift My Teeth?

No, wisdom teeth themselves cannot shift your teeth. However, there are circumstances where wisdom teeth do not sprout and remain below the gums producing a cyst that could debilitate the jaw bone.

A weak jaw bone might be prone to a fracture that could affect the position of surrounding teeth. Also, wisdom teeth might contaminate a second molar with caries, resulting in losing not a single but two dental pieces.     

Although these events rarely shift other teeth, they harm orthodontic treatment outcomes. Finally, in many cases, shifting is attributable to aging, but patients might relate teeth shifting to wisdom teeth.

For these reasons, we recommend an evaluation from a specialist to determine whether wisdom teeth affect orthodontic treatment.

What to Eat After Wisdom Teeth Extraction?

The general consensus about a diet after wisdom teeth extraction is to avoid chewing with the back part of the mouth to the fullest possible. Consequently, to minimize this possibility, you can try eating blended foods, soups, or easy-to-byte foods like mashed potatoes for the next 24 hours after a surgical procedure.

Contact Your Sturbridge Orthodontist

Our caring staff will guide you through the entire orthodontic treatment process, following a procedure that will help you understand the complexity of your malocclusion, including an exhaustive evaluation of your wisdom teeth. We invite you to set an appointment and have a smile that rocks!

When Can Children Get Invisalign Treatment?

Children and teenagers want to have a five-star smile, and Invisalign for kids can help them get just that. Here at Sturbridge Orthodontics, you’ll find an array of solutions for your kids and teenagers. You might wonder if starting orthodontics early is even necessary, so we thought about sharing some important information with you.

According to the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO), children should start going to an orthodontist around age 7. This doesn’t mean they’ll get braces right then and there, but starting early means we get to understand their bone growth and jaw development much better. If they need corrective treatment, you might want to consider some options, such as Invisalign for kids.

Is Invisalign Good for Kids?

Yes, children can use clear aligners such as Sturbridge Invisalign. The procedure is just as safe and successful for children as it is for adults as long as the child’s teeth have reached the appropriate stage of development. Aligner treatment, on the other hand, necessitates caution and responsibility. 

Sturbridge Invisalign for Kids is undoubtedly safe and effective for youngsters with proper oral development. As long as they are motivated and cooperative, and if they are of an age where they are responsible enough to accept the treatment. If your child has reached the optimal age for braces, clear aligners may be an option.

Is Sturbridge Invisalign Good for Teenagers?

Teenagers who are disciplined and committed to completing their treatment in a timely and efficient manner, who can follow the orthodontist’s instructions, and who are willing to wear their aligners at all times, regardless of their ability to take them out whenever they want, are the best candidates for Invisalign aligners.

It’s crucial to remember that most teenagers having Invisalign treatment do better than their parents expect. If your teen has a case where Invisalign might be an appropriate treatment, we will strongly suggest it.

Please contact us if your teen requires Sturbridge orthodontic treatment and you have any questions. We are a family-oriented practice that cares for patients of all ages. We understand how tough it can be to treat your teenager at this development point, so we’re here to help. Don’t put off getting your teen on the path to a lifetime of healthy smiles!

Benefits Of Invisalign For Kids And Teenagers

There are several benefits of Invisalign for kids and teens, including

Invisalign Aligners Are Impossible to See

Sturbridge Invisalign aligners leverage the use of smooth, BPA-free transparent plastic that fits over the teeth like a second skin. The majority of people will not notice your child is wearing aligners, and they will be able to smile confidently throughout their treatment.

No More Food Restrictions 

Patients frequently inquire whether they may eat lollipops while using Invisalign. Is popcorn okay to consume when using clear aligners? Yes, you can consume lollipops and popcorn while wearing Invisalign. There are no food restrictions because the aligners are removable. 

Kids can continue to consume their favorite foods, such as popcorn, pizza crust, and candies, as long as they remove their aligners first and brush their teeth before replacing them. 

You won’t have to worry about your child breaking their appliance by eating anything hard at school, nor will you have to forego sweets during the holidays. Still, kids would do well to stay away from excessively sugary foods and drinks.

Brushing and Flossing Is Easy

The fact that the aligners are detachable also means that children may brush and floss regularly without maneuvering around brackets and wires. When weighing the pros and downsides of braces vs Invisalign, keep in mind your child’s dental hygiene habits.

Treatment Is Comfortable

Smooth and comfy Invisalign aligners. Braces can irritate the mouth, but your kids’ clear aligner trays won’t. While youngsters may experience some sensitivity during their first week with Invisalign, and sometimes after putting in new trays, it won’t be excessive. Our Sturbridge Invisalign Teen patients tolerate aligners well.

Kids and Teens Will Get Used to Sturbridge Invisalign Quickly 

Due to the lack of hardware, wearing Invisalign aligners is easier than getting used to wearing braces. During their first week with Invisalign, some patients’ sole complaint is a minor lisp, but speaking rapidly returns to normal.

Great for Active Teens 

Invisalign Teen is ideal for musicians and athletes. Kids won’t get smacked in the mouth during a game or cut their lips while trying to reach a high note.

Suitable for Many Orthodontic Problems 

When treatment is organized by an Invisalign professional like the orthodontists at Houston Orthodontic Specialists, Invisalign works for many cases. Overbite, spacing, crowding, an open bite, and other issues will be a thing of the past thanks to your kids’ Invisalign clear aligner trays.

Perfect for Special Events

Children must wear their clear aligners for 20 to 22 hours each day; they can take them out for special occasions like class photographs, school dances, or when playing sports. The impact of Invisalign is minimal.

Challenges of Sturbridge Invisalign Treatment for Kids and Teens

While Invisalign has many advantages for younger kids, it does have one disadvantage: children must keep track of their aligners and be vigilant about storing them in their Invisalign case when not in use. While removable Invisalign teen aligners benefit some, they can be a disadvantage if your child loses things frequently.

Braces, which are bonded to the teeth and stay in place during treatment, could be a better alternative if you don’t think your child or teenager will be responsible for their aligners. The good news is that the Invisalign Teen system includes a few free replacement aligners for your children.

On the other hand, If your teen’s orthodontic case is exceptionally complex, Invisalign may not be the best option. Braces may be the only viable option if they have a severe overbite since tooth movement is faster and firmer with those appliances.

Early Correction Benefits

When a child is between the ages of seven and 10, two-phase treatment begins. Addressing these problems early on will reduce the cost of treatments needed in the future, if not eliminated.

Early correction also enables the monitoring of a child’s dental development and growth and the correction of any difficulties that arise. Families who bring their children in for an orthodontic screening at a young age gain the advantage of knowing what to expect later on. This provides an opportunity to start a savings plan.

In your research for viable treatment options for your child, we are sure that you have also heard of Sturbridge Invisalign for kids.

Two-Phase Orthodontics

At Sturbridge Orthodontics we understand that when a child’s orthodontic problem doesn’t seem to be improving, it can be very troublesome and stressful for parents. However, when this happens, orthodontists can employ a strategy to repair it while also preventing future difficulties. 

This specific approach, known as developmental or two-phase orthodontic treatment, can provide your child with a healthy smile for the remainder of their life. Let’s take a deeper look at what this treatment entails.

This procedure fixes various issues that will only worsen with time if left untreated. This treatment can help children who have had tooth injuries during development or have a restricted palate. Children with a thumb-sucking habit that causes their front teeth to protrude are in the same boat.

Children with an odd bite or teeth that appear to be excessively crowded may benefit from orthodontic treatment. Finally, if your children snore or breathe through their mouths while sleeping, this is a good cause to bring them in, as this may necessitate treating more than just their teeth. Let’s take a quick look at the benefits of two-phase orthodontics for your child.  

Since you are already familiar with the benefits of two-phase orthodontics, it’s time we take a look at the different parts of this treatment and what exactly happens in each phase. 

What Happens In Phase I

Because your kid’s jaws are still developing, we can focus on the proper eruption of permanent teeth in this initial phase of treatment. Phase one ensures enough room for permanent teeth to come in while also correcting jaw alignment.

Orthodontic History

In the first phase, your child’s orthodontic records will need to be created. Photos and x-rays, as well as models of their teeth, will also be part of these records.

Your orthodontist will need all of this information since it’s necessary to determine whether corrective treatment is required or not. If that’s the case, the models and images will aid your orthodontist in deciding the optimum orthodontic treatment plan, which will include:

  • How many visits will your child require?
  • Which appliances will be required?
  • Treatment time.

All of the following are contingent on the quantity and nature of your child’s problems. Even if the orthodontist determines that no treatment is necessary at this time, they may recommend periodic monitoring to ensure that the jaw and teeth remain in their ideal placements.

Extraction or Appliance Wearing.

The orthodontist may determine that they need to remove one or more baby teeth to help permanent ones erupt without problems. Some children require using an appliance to aid in tooth or jawbone mobility. Two examples are banding or bonding teeth or wearing an arch to hold any space created by tooth removal.

Waiting for adult teeth.

A “resting time” occurs after phase one. This just means that we will wait till their permanent teeth have appeared. During this time, your child will need to visit the orthodontist regularly—roughly twice a year—to have their teeth checked by a professional. Their teeth would have enough room to come in and be feasible if the first step of the treatment was successful.

What Happens In Phase II

The primary goal of phase 2 is to keep your child’s teeth healthy for the rest of their life. This entails ensuring that each tooth is in the right position in relation to adjacent teeth, tongue, cheeks, and lips.

Your orthodontist will now have everything they need to compare the present position of your children’s teeth and jaws to where they were before, thanks to all of the data they made in Phase 1. The orthodontist may need to fine-tune the treatment plan at this point to account for anything that comes up between phases I and II.

Braces Installation

Beginning orthodontic braces treatment on both the upper and lower teeth is the best strategy to achieve optimal tooth and jaw alignment. To accomplish this, an orthodontist will bond brackets to each tooth with dental cement.

Stainless steel wires will connect each set of brackets. We will adjust this archwire regularly to apply pressure to the teeth and help them migrate into the

right place. If your treatment requires any additional force to displace the jaw, rubber bands, coils, or springs may also help achieve the goals.

Time Required for Treatment

Because teeth and jaws take time to shift into the proper positions, your child should anticipate wearing braces for two years. After they’re done with braces, your child will need to wear a retainer for several months to keep their teeth in their new places and their jaw aligned properly.

Schedule an Appointment for Your Child or Teen

If you still have questions or concerns about two-phase orthodontics or Sturbridge Invisalign Treatment to fix your child’s orthodontic issues visit our website and contact a Sturbridge Orthodontics team member to schedule your kids.

Why You Should Visit an Orthodontist for a Bite Adjustment

The majority of patients who walk through our door come in looking to straighten their teeth for cosmetic reasons. Some don’t like how their smile looks in pictures, while others hide their smile altogether. At Sturbridge Orthodontics, we understand your desire to feel confident and secure with each smile that you flaunt; however, there are other reasons why orthodontics in Sturbridge might be necessary. Aside from visiting an orthodontist to achieve straight teeth, you should also schedule an appointment if you have bit alignment issues. Let’s review some of the reasons why you might need orthodontic care.

A bite adjustment procedure may be needed when tiny interferences keep teeth from coming together properly. As a result of normal tooth development, following an injury, or even because of dental treatments, these tiny interferences develop, making it so that the jaw no longer slides into its correct position.

Now you might wonder why to bite alignment is so important; well, when all teeth are aligned, and the upper teeth gently overlap the bottom teeth, the teeth fit best. Thanks to a good bite, dental crowding, periodontal repercussions, and tooth wear concerns can all be a thing of the past. A healthy bite also helps to prevent jaw disorders.

Because a bite alignment problem can cause other health issues, you must get checked out by your Sturbridge Orthodontist as soon as possible. Let’s look below to help you stay informed about bite alignment. 

What Causes Jaw Misalignment?

Eating, sleeping, talking, and breathing can all be affected by an uneven jaw. A variety of factors can cause an uneven jaw. Physical therapy can help to treat and improve several conditions.

Others, however, may require surgery to remedy such problems. With orthodontics, we want to provide patients with a non-surgical option to fix their dental alignment problems.

Jaw function necessitates the cooperation of tendons, bones, and muscles. These structures can become out of balance, causing the entire jaw to become uneven.

Your jaw may be uneven for various reasons, including

Trauma or a Fractured Jaw

Trauma can occur as a result of an accident, a fall, an assault, or a sports injury. Your jaw might be shattered, cracked, or dislocated due to trauma.

In most cases, a minor fracture will heal on its own. A significant jaw break may necessitate surgery to help the jaw recover properly. Surgical stabilization of a displaced jaw may be necessary.

Congenital Complications 

It’s possible that you were born with a jaw problem. You may, for example, have a naturally crooked jaw. A “faulty jaw” is another term for this condition. Specialists, such as an orthodontist, can help fix crooked jaw, and oral surgeons can surgically attend to the problem or help manage it with supportive care and lifestyle adjustments.

Teeth Alignment

Teeth misalignment could be the cause of an uneven jaw. Your teeth may be preventing your jaw from settling into its proper position. Problems with uneven tooth alignment, even with primary teeth, can lead to problems with your permanent teeth. Correcting this is easy with dental braces or retainers. The results could take anywhere from 6 to 18 months to appear. It may take longer in severe cases.

TMJ Problems

TMJ (temporomandibular joint disease) is a relatively frequent problem. We can associate TMJ with trauma or arthritis. However, the symptoms can appear without a clear cause in other cases.

TMJ treatment could look like any of the following:

  • To relieve pain and inflammation, apply ice to your jaw.
  • Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen, which are both over-the-counter pain relievers (Advil).
  • Strenuous jaw motions should be constantly avoided by patients who suffer from TMD.
  • Wear an orthopedic dental device to realign your jaw and elevate your bite.
  • TMJ exercises might help to relieve pain and enhance jaw movement.
  • To relax your jaw, manage and reduce tension.

Symptoms of a Bad Bite

Now that you know the importance of having an aligned bite, and the causes of jaw misalignment, you are ready to learn some of the common symptoms of a misaligned bite.

Any deviation from a normal bite is a sign of malocclusion. Here are some of the symptoms you may experience with a bad bite:

  • Your teeth are improperly aligned. This is formally known as tooth misalignment.
  • Regularly biting your tongue and inner cheeks.
  • Difficulty biting down on food without doing damage to your teeth.
  • Problems with your speech.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • An awkward appearance to your smile.

Reasons Why a Jaw Adjustment Is Necessary

Malaligned teeth can result in a lot of bad consequences for you.

Teeth that protrude, for example, are at an increased risk of chipping, and an overbite or underbite can wear away the enamel on your teeth or possibly cause a tooth fracture. Furthermore, a high-set dental crown or filling might result in an uneven bite, which can lead to tooth pain, hypersensitivity, and migraines.

Finally, when you bite, one or more teeth touch down before the others, putting extra pressure on those teeth. This increased pressure can cause soreness and severe inflammation around the tooth’s root.

Below are five reasons you should have your malocclusion corrected as soon as possible. 

  1. An incorrect bite puts you at risk of overworking your jaw and developing TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder), a painful condition that makes talking and chewing difficult.
  2. Food particles, plaque, and bacteria thrive in additional pockets created by misaligned teeth. Cavities and gum disease might result as a result of this. Gum disease can cause uncomfortable, bleeding, inflammatory gums, as well as oral infections and tooth loss in severe situations.
  3. A bad bite wears down the enamel on your teeth’s crowns and overstresses them, causing them to become uncomfortable or even loose. Teeth may crack as a result of it. Even mild cases result in teeth that are too sensitive to heat, cold, and specific foods.
  4. If left untreated, malocclusion can cause chronic migraine headaches or pain in other areas of your body, such as your jaw and neck.
  5.  A “poor bite” can cause dentures to wear on your alveolar ridge, causing ulcers and eventually causing your dentures to no longer fit properly. A poor bite can potentially harm bridges, dental crowns, and other dental equipment in your mouth.

Common Orthodontic problems

Dental issues or malocclusions are more common than you might think. Some of the most common issues we see at Sturbridge Orthodontics include


When biting down, your upper teeth sit inside your lower teeth. The front outer layer of your upper teeth will grind against the inner layer of your lower teeth as you bite down, producing wear and tear.


Occurs when your top teeth protrude too far from your bottom teeth. Tooth decay and gum disease might result as a result of this.


When biting down, the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw; thus your lower teeth are in front of your upper teeth. This might put a lot of strain on your jaw joints.

Deep Bite 

When your upper front teeth cover the bottom teeth too much because your bite is closed. This means that your upper teeth may irritate your gums by biting into them.

Dental Crowding

One of the most prevalent orthodontic issues is crowded teeth. Crowding occurs when the jaws do not have enough room to accommodate all teeth. Aside from feeling self-conscious about their smiles, people with crowded teeth may experience uneven wear and tear and gum problems, as overlapping teeth are more difficult to clean than straight teeth.

Tooth Gaps or Diastema

Spaces between teeth, often known as gaps, can occur anywhere in the mouth. There are a variety of reasons for mouth spacing. Some issues, such as a mismatch between a patient’s jaw bone and the size of their teeth, could be the result of genetics. It’s also possible that one or more teeth are missing or excessively tiny, causing the adjoining teeth to shift, causing a space.

How to Fix Your Bite

As you can see, there are many types of dental issues but don’t worry; your Sturbridge Orthodontist has the perfect solutions for all dental problems. At Sturbridge Orthodontics we offer:

Damon® Braces

Self-ligating brackets reduce friction, allowing for faster tooth movement and allowing patients to go longer between orthodontic appointments. Damon® braces also use lesser forces, making modifications more comfortable and your teeth less painful afterward.

Another advantage of self-ligating brackets is that they help with dental hygiene. Plaque magnets are the o-rings utilized in traditional treatment. Damon® braces make dental hygiene a breeze throughout the treatment process.

Invisalign Clear Aligner Trays

Invisalign is a system of clear braces that cover your teeth and gradually move them into the right position. They are less obvious than typical metal braces because they are clear, and you could take them off at will.

Surgery for Uneven Jaws

Surgical correction of your jaw position could be ultimately required to fix your jaw problems. The type of surgery you receive will be determined by the underlying reason for your jaw misalignment. Some of the common types of jaw surgery are:

Maxillary Osteotomy

Maxillary osteotomy is a surgical procedure that removes the upper jaw bone.

This is an upper jaw surgery that can help to repair open or crossbite. The lower jaw and teeth remain aligned with the upper jaw and teeth by moving the upper jaw and teeth forward.

Osteotomy of the Mandible

Overbite and a projecting lower jaw can both be a thing of the past with this procedure. To relocate the lower jaw forward or backward, your surgeon makes a cut in the rear of your mouth.


A chin that is too tiny or crooked can be fixed by genioplasty. The jaw and chin are remodeled by severing the chin bone in the front of the jaw.

Wiring of the Jaw

Jaw wiring is used to support a fractured or broken jaw or to put it in a specific posture.

No matter what issue keeps you from achieving a straight, healthy, and beautiful smile, the Drs and staff at Sturbridge Orthodontics have the perfect treatment for you. Schedule your FREE initial consultation with us today, and take the first step towards the smile you deserve.

10 Orthodontic Facts About Invisalign

The Invisalign brand of orthodontic aligners has become as common a household name as Kleenex and Netflix. But aside from the name and the general concept, what do you know about this modern alternative to traditional braces? One popular Sturbridge orthodontist has created these 10-point Invisalign facts to provide more insight into the world of Invisalign in Sturbridge.

  1. The customized Invisalign aligners are removable but must be worn for at least 22 hours each day in order to be effective.
  2. You must remember to brush and floss your teeth before putting your aligners in after a meal or snack.
  3. Talk to your orthodontist about setting realistic expectations for the final result. You can view virtual images of how your smile will look before starting Invisalign in Sturbridge. Just ask your orthodontist!
  4. Moving your teeth with Invisalign aligners is not typically painful or uncomfortable as compared to conventional braces.
  5. Invisalign cannot resolve every orthodontic condition. The orthodontist can evaluate your bite and jaw function to determine if you are a good candidate for this procedure.
  6. Watch out for staining! Foods and beverages with deep pigments, such as teas, coffees, tomato-based foods, and red wines, can stain your teeth as well as your clear aligners.
  7. Clean your aligners properly. You should avoid using toothpaste to clean your aligners and opt for less abrasive cleansers such as plain water or an orthodontist-approved cleaning product. Incorrect cleaning could result in damage to your aligners.
  8. Invisalign could help to break your bad snacking habits. Is that cookie worth the extra work of removing your aligners, brushing, and putting them back in? Many Invisalign users tend to snack less and eat healthier.
  9. The aligners are practically invisible! It isn’t a gimmick. Many adults love the idea of straightening their teeth in such a discreet manner.
  10. Choose a qualified and experienced Sturbridge orthodontist for a healthy and attractive outcome.

For more answers to your Invisalign questions, call to schedule a consultation today.

The Best Age To Visit The Orthodontist

Orthodontic treatment can be helpful and appropriate at any age, from the early elementary years to well into the Golden Years. But is there an ideal age for getting braces or a similar orthodontic procedure? One Sturbridge orthodontist sheds some light on the subject:

Ages 7-9

This is the age of early intervention when the orthodontist can evaluate a child for orthodontic treatment and begin forming a plan for future treatments. As more of the baby teeth begin to fall out, the orthodontist can start to predict the approximate alignment of the permanent teeth. If the jaw structure and tooth alignment are found to be inadequate, early braces, space maintainers, or expanders may be recommended at this age.

Ages 10-14

This is the ‘prime time’ window for orthodontic treatment. It’s the age when all of the baby teeth should have fallen out and the jaw bone is better developed. Here’s where the active phase of orthodontic treatment can take place and children are mature enough to manage the responsibility of their daily oral care. The average length of treatment for patients of this age is 18-24 months.

Age 14 and Beyond

Older adolescents and even mature adults can benefit from straighter teeth and a more balanced jaw alignment. There is no age limit when it comes to a healthy bite pattern and many orthodontic options have been designed with a more mature patient in mind. From Invisalign to self-ligating braces, the orthodontic procedure can be customized so that it is age-appropriate for you.

Book a consultation. The length of your treatment and the game plan for getting to the finish line will be personalized just for you. But first, the orthodontist will need to consider your age, your growth rate, and the current condition of your oral health. No matter your age, today can be the day that you get started. Just call to schedule your consultation with a Sturbridge orthodontist today.

5 Tips And Tricks For Anyone With Braces

People who have had braces know very well that it takes a little time to adjust to the challenges that life with braces can bring. As orthodontists, we have to remind patients about some of the challenges they’ll be facing and how to overcome them.

If you’ve never had braces, and are thinking of getting them for the first time, don’t let the horror stories scare you away. The best orthodontist Sturbridge has available works beyond the appointments within the office setting. We like to share a few tips and tricks that can help our patients overcome obstacles, avoid problems, and enjoy a great smile in the process.

1. Tips on Orthodontic Emergencies

Many patients have the unwanted pleasure of dealing with these situations. A couple of things you should know about orthodontic emergencies are that they’re not life-threatening, and they have simple DIY solutions you can try while you wait for your next appointment with your orthodontist. Before we continue with some of the tips, please keep in mind that if you feel persistent pain, swelling, or excessive bleeding, you should contact emergency services instead.

  • If your bracket or band is loose- You can leave a loose bracket or band in place if it remains attached to the wire. You can secure it with a piece of orthodontic wax if it becomes uncomfortable or irritating. If the bracket or band has come off completely, place it in a small sandwich bag or wrap it in tissue for safekeeping.
  • If the wire has come out, you may be able to use a pair of small tweezers to get the wire back into place, or you can clip the end with nail clippers to prevent the wire from poking your cheeks and gums. The end of the wire could also be covered with orthodontic was for your comfort.
  • If the end of the wire is poking you- use the end of a pencil eraser or the back of a spoon to push the sharp tip down.
  • Keep some orthodontic was handy as it will help in many of these situations.

2. What to Eat During the First Week With Braces?

When you first get your braces on -and please keep in mind this will also work when you go to your orthodontist for an adjustment- your teeth will feel sore, and you will have an increased sensitivity to extreme cold and heat.

These first few days are critical in your adapting process, so you should know which foods to eat and what to avoid.

If you are hungry, try getting softer textured foods and stay away from processed sugars. Foods that are sticky or hard, even carrot sticks and sugar-free gum, can damage your braces. Foods and drinks with high sugar content are more likely to cause cavities.

In general, try these:

  • Soft and steamed vegetables.
  • Pasta dishes.
  • Rice.
  • Oven-baked fish.
  • Grilled chicken.
  • Not-so-hot soups.

3. Dealing With Discomfort and Mouth Sores

Unfortunately, every patient should expect some level of discomfort during their orthodontic care. Consider that as your braces push, pull, and rotate your teeth, the jawbone tissue at the base of each tooth dissolves. This motion, even though perfectly safe, thanks to your board-certified orthodontist’s expertise, will undoubtedly cause some discomfort.

The best thing to do is consult with your orthodontist and get some over-the-counter medication. If your teeth and gums feel sore, a warm saltwater rinse helps to soothe the gum tissues as well.

Pay close attention and check that the discomfort doesn’t turn into constant or throbbing pain, as that would require specialized help from emergency caregivers and signify a much more complex problem.

4. Keeping Your Teeth Clean During Orthodontics

Orthodontics is not just about realigning teeth and jaws. We aim to make your teeth healthier and reduce the obstacles that can prevent you from maintaining optimal dental health.

As such, we also want to help you maintain good dental hygiene during your treatment and avoid the dangers of tooth decay while you wear braces.

We will be the first to admit that braces don’t make your oral hygiene any easier, but it’s not impossible to keep your teeth clean. Check out some of the following tips:

  • Get a soft-bristled toothbrush that won’t damage your braces when you clean around them.
  • Rinse your mouth with abundant water prior to brushing to soften or dislodge any leftover food particles.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal you take, including snacks. Especially after snacks.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day and floss around the brackets.
  • Consider getting an interdental brush or water irrigator for better results, but note these are complementary and not substitutes for brushing and flossing your teeth during your treatment with braces.

5. Don’t Stop Your Frequent Visits to a General Dentist

No. Your treatment with an orthodontist shouldn’t mean you don’t have to continue visiting a general dentist. In fact, in many cases, successful orthodontic treatment requires careful coordination between two or more dental health specialists.

Orthodontics can take several months. You should continue to visit your general dentist and get a full evaluation or deep and professional dental cleaning every six months.

Trust us; you won’t want to avoid those controls, as your dental health will suffer a lot.

Get in Touch With Your Sturbridge Orthodontist

Braces are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to improve the long-term health of their smile, but the process isn’t without some challenges. To give yourself the best opportunity for success, call to schedule an appointment with a Sturbridge orthodontist today.

Orthodontic Problems And Hidden Health Risks

The Hidden Health Risks of Crooked Teeth

Crooked or poorly aligned teeth can threaten the health of any child or adult. That’s why, the way that the teeth fit together is more than a cosmetic issue, and without treatment, the problems can eventually harm your overall health. One top orthodontist in Sturbridge shines a light on the hidden health risks that are associated with some very common orthodontic problems:

Crowding- promotes the accumulation of plaque and tartar, contributing to progressive periodontal disease.

Spacing and gaps- encourages food impaction between the teeth, which irritates the gums and promotes gum disease.

Deep bite- the edges of the lower teeth can press into the roof of the mouth, traumatizing the soft tissue and leading to the premature wear of the permanent teeth.

Crossbite- causes the teeth to chip or wear down prematurely, while also leading to notches along the gum line, receding gums, and bone loss.

Excessive overjet- protruding front teeth are more vulnerable to chips, fractures, and accidental trauma.

Edge-to-edge bite- leads to rapid wear and erosion of the front teeth, causing the teeth to appear shorter and subjecting the jaw joint to severe, chronic stress.

Open bite- When the front teeth do not come together, the back teeth are subjected to excessive biting forces and stress. The front teeth become more vulnerable to tartar accumulation. Also, chronic dry mouth and speech problems are likely to be of concern.

There is an even greater health risk:

The problems associated with an unbalanced or misaligned bite can become quite severe when they are left unaddressed. Preventable problems such as periodontal disease and premature wear can eventually result in tooth loss. Even worse, periodontal disease increases the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or hardened arteries.

Parents can prevent or reduce the risks of these health problems by ensuring that their children are evaluated by an orthodontist by the age of 7, with annual visits for monitoring each year thereafter. To schedule your child’s appointment with a Sturbridge orthodontist, call today.

Better Orthodontic Results Through Music

As a musician with a long-time passion for 1980s rock, Dr. Sabelis isn’t just the most unique orthodontist in Sturbridge—he might also be among the smartest. That’s because he understands that music isn’t just about cool sounds, studies show that music also offers some pretty incredible dental health benefits as well. If you are about to get braces or are somewhere in the middle of the process, it’s possible that you could improve the outcome of your treatment by embracing the sweet sound of music.

Your Brain and Body’s Response to Music

Music doesn’t just go in one ear and out the other—it influences your brain and has some surprisingly positive effects on your body, too. There are receptors in the brain that respond to the musical soundwaves which travel through the air and into the ears. As the brain interprets these sounds, we enjoy a number of valuable benefits, and many of these are related to our oral health—especially when we have braces:

  • Music improves our language skills, creativity, and happiness.
  • Music decreases anxiety.
  • Music speeds healing.
  • Music increases optimism.
  • Music helps to control and decrease pain.
  • Music has been found to help in the management of autism, Tourette’s syndrome, Attention Deficit Disorder, and anxiety disorders.
  • Music encourages the body to release serotonin (the hormone that makes us feel happy!)
  • Music helps to improve the quality of sleep and mediation.

What does this have to do with braces and orthodontics?

Getting braces isn’t always easy, but the orthodontist makes every effort to provide you with a positive experience and a healthy outcome. Adding more music to your life, both in the orthodontist’s office and at home, can actually enhance your experience and improve your health. You can use music to get yourself in a good mood before your orthodontic appointment, keep yourself calm and relaxed during your appointment, and help your body to heal faster after your treatment.

There’s at least one orthodontist in Sturbridge who believes in the power of music. Find out more by calling to schedule an appointment today.

Five Questions You Should Be Asking The Orthodontist

It’s normal to interview a prospective orthodontist before you make the decision to get braces or Invisalign. Asking questions and getting to know the orthodontist is the best way for you to find the orthodontic office that will be the best fit for you. After all, once you get started, you could be visiting the same Sturbridge orthodontic office for many years.  But, your questions shouldn’t end after the initial consultation. Asking questions throughout your treatment will help you to learn more about your health and keep you engaged in your orthodontic progress. Ask your orthodontist these 5 questions during your next visit:

  1. Are you comfortable with my progress? Even if you haven’t seen a huge change in your smile since your last visit, your orthodontist has a strategic plan for your smile, and he’s got a timeline in mind as to how things should be moving along. To understand more about your orthodontist’s strategic plan for your smile, ask how he feels about your progress.
  2. What can I do between appointments to help? What you do between your orthodontic appointments can either help or hinder your progress. Make sure you are doing all that you can to help (and find out if you’re doing anything that is slowing you down).
  3. How is my oral hygiene? Poor oral hygiene can hinder your progress and harm your health. Ask the orthodontist and assistants if there are any areas that you might not be cleaning well enough.
  4. What oral health products should I be using? The right products will keep you healthier and more comfortable. Find out if you should be using extra fluoride, special rinses, or electric toothbrushes during your normal routine.
  5. Is there anything that my general dentist needs to know? You should continue to see your general dentist during your orthodontic process. Ask if your orthodontist has noticed any issues that should be brought to your dentist’s attention. Keep the lines of communication open if you want to receive the very best care.

To speak with an orthodontist in Sturbridge who’ll be glad to answer your questions, call to schedule your appointment today.

Top Orthodontists Recommends These 4 Things

You might think that orthodontists only care about one thing– straight teeth. While orthodontists are certainly concerned about straightening your teeth, their primary passion is to promote healthy teeth. Braces and other orthodontic appliances can challenge you significantly as you try to keep your teeth and gums healthy, so top orthodontists in Sturbridge recommend these 4 tips to keep you on track:

Invest in a power toothbrush. Electric toothbrushes have come a long way in the last decade. Today’s power brushes can polish the teeth, reach further under the gums, and get into the crevices of most orthodontic appliances. It is possible to do a thorough job with a manual brush, but power toothbrushes can take the guesswork out of the process.

Rinse well and rinse often. Loosely attached plaque and food particles are notorious for causing bad breath and staining. If this residue is allowed to remain on the teeth and braces for too long, then the risk for cavities and gum diseases begins to rise considerably. Flushing the mouth out with water or mouthwash can help to keep you cleaner and healthier throughout the day.

Choose the right foods. A healthy diet is essential to good oral health, but when you have braces, your food choices become even more crucial. Sugary foods and drinks, sticky foods, and carbohydrates can create an acidic environment within the mouth, making the teeth more vulnerable to tooth decay. Even after you brush, your orthodontic appliances can make it difficult to reach some areas. Opting for fruits, vegetables, and water will make the cleaning process less challenging.

Keep your dentist nearby. Your routine dental checkups are more important than ever during the orthodontic process. Maintain a normal schedule with your general dentist and make sure that there is clear communication between the general and orthodontic offices.

For other oral health tips from the top orthodontists in Sturbridge, call to schedule your appointment today.