Why You Should Visit an Orthodontist for a Bite Adjustment

The majority of patients who walk through our door come in looking to straighten their teeth for cosmetic reasons. Some don’t like how their smile looks in pictures, while others hide their smile altogether. At Sturbridge Orthodontics, we understand your desire to feel confident and secure with each smile that you flaunt; however, there are other reasons why orthodontics in Sturbridge might be necessary. Aside from visiting an orthodontist to achieve straight teeth, you should also schedule an appointment if you have bit alignment issues. Let’s review some of the reasons why you might need orthodontic care.

A bite adjustment procedure may be needed when tiny interferences keep teeth from coming together properly. As a result of normal tooth development, following an injury, or even because of dental treatments, these tiny interferences develop, making it so that the jaw no longer slides into its correct position.

Now you might wonder why to bite alignment is so important; well, when all teeth are aligned, and the upper teeth gently overlap the bottom teeth, the teeth fit best. Thanks to a good bite, dental crowding, periodontal repercussions, and tooth wear concerns can all be a thing of the past. A healthy bite also helps to prevent jaw disorders.

Because a bite alignment problem can cause other health issues, you must get checked out by your Sturbridge Orthodontist as soon as possible. Let’s look below to help you stay informed about bite alignment. 

What Causes Jaw Misalignment?

Eating, sleeping, talking, and breathing can all be affected by an uneven jaw. A variety of factors can cause an uneven jaw. Physical therapy can help to treat and improve several conditions.

Others, however, may require surgery to remedy such problems. With orthodontics, we want to provide patients with a non-surgical option to fix their dental alignment problems.

Jaw function necessitates the cooperation of tendons, bones, and muscles. These structures can become out of balance, causing the entire jaw to become uneven.

Your jaw may be uneven for various reasons, including

Trauma or a Fractured Jaw

Trauma can occur as a result of an accident, a fall, an assault, or a sports injury. Your jaw might be shattered, cracked, or dislocated due to trauma.

In most cases, a minor fracture will heal on its own. A significant jaw break may necessitate surgery to help the jaw recover properly. Surgical stabilization of a displaced jaw may be necessary.

Congenital Complications 

It’s possible that you were born with a jaw problem. You may, for example, have a naturally crooked jaw. A “faulty jaw” is another term for this condition. Specialists, such as an orthodontist, can help fix crooked jaw, and oral surgeons can surgically attend to the problem or help manage it with supportive care and lifestyle adjustments.

Teeth Alignment

Teeth misalignment could be the cause of an uneven jaw. Your teeth may be preventing your jaw from settling into its proper position. Problems with uneven tooth alignment, even with primary teeth, can lead to problems with your permanent teeth. Correcting this is easy with dental braces or retainers. The results could take anywhere from 6 to 18 months to appear. It may take longer in severe cases.

TMJ Problems

TMJ (temporomandibular joint disease) is a relatively frequent problem. We can associate TMJ with trauma or arthritis. However, the symptoms can appear without a clear cause in other cases.

TMJ treatment could look like any of the following:

  • To relieve pain and inflammation, apply ice to your jaw.
  • Take acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen, which are both over-the-counter pain relievers (Advil).
  • Strenuous jaw motions should be constantly avoided by patients who suffer from TMD.
  • Wear an orthopedic dental device to realign your jaw and elevate your bite.
  • TMJ exercises might help to relieve pain and enhance jaw movement.
  • To relax your jaw, manage and reduce tension.

Symptoms of a Bad Bite

Now that you know the importance of having an aligned bite, and the causes of jaw misalignment, you are ready to learn some of the common symptoms of a misaligned bite.

Any deviation from a normal bite is a sign of malocclusion. Here are some of the symptoms you may experience with a bad bite:

  • Your teeth are improperly aligned. This is formally known as tooth misalignment.
  • Regularly biting your tongue and inner cheeks.
  • Difficulty biting down on food without doing damage to your teeth.
  • Problems with your speech.
  • Difficulty in breathing.
  • An awkward appearance to your smile.

Reasons Why a Jaw Adjustment Is Necessary

Malaligned teeth can result in a lot of bad consequences for you.

Teeth that protrude, for example, are at an increased risk of chipping, and an overbite or underbite can wear away the enamel on your teeth or possibly cause a tooth fracture. Furthermore, a high-set dental crown or filling might result in an uneven bite, which can lead to tooth pain, hypersensitivity, and migraines.

Finally, when you bite, one or more teeth touch down before the others, putting extra pressure on those teeth. This increased pressure can cause soreness and severe inflammation around the tooth’s root.

Below are five reasons you should have your malocclusion corrected as soon as possible. 

  1. An incorrect bite puts you at risk of overworking your jaw and developing TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder), a painful condition that makes talking and chewing difficult.
  2. Food particles, plaque, and bacteria thrive in additional pockets created by misaligned teeth. Cavities and gum disease might result as a result of this. Gum disease can cause uncomfortable, bleeding, inflammatory gums, as well as oral infections and tooth loss in severe situations.
  3. A bad bite wears down the enamel on your teeth’s crowns and overstresses them, causing them to become uncomfortable or even loose. Teeth may crack as a result of it. Even mild cases result in teeth that are too sensitive to heat, cold, and specific foods.
  4. If left untreated, malocclusion can cause chronic migraine headaches or pain in other areas of your body, such as your jaw and neck.
  5.  A “poor bite” can cause dentures to wear on your alveolar ridge, causing ulcers and eventually causing your dentures to no longer fit properly. A poor bite can potentially harm bridges, dental crowns, and other dental equipment in your mouth.

Common Orthodontic problems

Dental issues or malocclusions are more common than you might think. Some of the most common issues we see at Sturbridge Orthodontics include


When biting down, your upper teeth sit inside your lower teeth. The front outer layer of your upper teeth will grind against the inner layer of your lower teeth as you bite down, producing wear and tear.


Occurs when your top teeth protrude too far from your bottom teeth. Tooth decay and gum disease might result as a result of this.


When biting down, the lower jaw sits in front of the upper jaw; thus your lower teeth are in front of your upper teeth. This might put a lot of strain on your jaw joints.

Deep Bite 

When your upper front teeth cover the bottom teeth too much because your bite is closed. This means that your upper teeth may irritate your gums by biting into them.

Dental Crowding

One of the most prevalent orthodontic issues is crowded teeth. Crowding occurs when the jaws do not have enough room to accommodate all teeth. Aside from feeling self-conscious about their smiles, people with crowded teeth may experience uneven wear and tear and gum problems, as overlapping teeth are more difficult to clean than straight teeth.

Tooth Gaps or Diastema

Spaces between teeth, often known as gaps, can occur anywhere in the mouth. There are a variety of reasons for mouth spacing. Some issues, such as a mismatch between a patient’s jaw bone and the size of their teeth, could be the result of genetics. It’s also possible that one or more teeth are missing or excessively tiny, causing the adjoining teeth to shift, causing a space.

How to Fix Your Bite

As you can see, there are many types of dental issues but don’t worry; your Sturbridge Orthodontist has the perfect solutions for all dental problems. At Sturbridge Orthodontics we offer:

Damon® Braces

Self-ligating brackets reduce friction, allowing for faster tooth movement and allowing patients to go longer between orthodontic appointments. Damon® braces also use lesser forces, making modifications more comfortable and your teeth less painful afterward.

Another advantage of self-ligating brackets is that they help with dental hygiene. Plaque magnets are the o-rings utilized in traditional treatment. Damon® braces make dental hygiene a breeze throughout the treatment process.

Invisalign Clear Aligner Trays

Invisalign is a system of clear braces that cover your teeth and gradually move them into the right position. They are less obvious than typical metal braces because they are clear, and you could take them off at will.

Surgery for Uneven Jaws

Surgical correction of your jaw position could be ultimately required to fix your jaw problems. The type of surgery you receive will be determined by the underlying reason for your jaw misalignment. Some of the common types of jaw surgery are:

Maxillary Osteotomy

Maxillary osteotomy is a surgical procedure that removes the upper jaw bone.

This is an upper jaw surgery that can help to repair open or crossbite. The lower jaw and teeth remain aligned with the upper jaw and teeth by moving the upper jaw and teeth forward.

Osteotomy of the Mandible

Overbite and a projecting lower jaw can both be a thing of the past with this procedure. To relocate the lower jaw forward or backward, your surgeon makes a cut in the rear of your mouth.


A chin that is too tiny or crooked can be fixed by genioplasty. The jaw and chin are remodeled by severing the chin bone in the front of the jaw.

Wiring of the Jaw

Jaw wiring is used to support a fractured or broken jaw or to put it in a specific posture.

No matter what issue keeps you from achieving a straight, healthy, and beautiful smile, the Drs and staff at Sturbridge Orthodontics have the perfect treatment for you. Schedule your FREE initial consultation with us today, and take the first step towards the smile you deserve.