Orthodontic treatment can be helpful and appropriate at any age, from the early elementary years to well into the Golden Years. But is there an ideal age for getting braces or a similar orthodontic procedure? One Sturbridge orthodontist sheds some light on the subject:
Ages 7-9
This is the age of early intervention when the orthodontist can evaluate a child for orthodontic treatment and begin forming a plan for future treatments. As more of the baby teeth begin to fall out, the orthodontist can start to predict the approximate alignment of the permanent teeth. If the jaw structure and tooth alignment are found to be inadequate, early braces, space maintainers, or expanders may be recommended at this age.
Ages 10-14
This is the ‘prime time’ window for orthodontic treatment. It’s the age when all of the baby teeth should have fallen out and the jaw bone is better developed. Here’s where the active phase of orthodontic treatment can take place and children are mature enough to manage the responsibility of their daily oral care. The average length of treatment for patients of this age is 18-24 months.
Age 14 and Beyond
Older adolescents and even mature adults can benefit from straighter teeth and a more balanced jaw alignment. There is no age limit when it comes to a healthy bite pattern and many orthodontic options have been designed with a more mature patient in mind. From Invisalign to self-ligating braces, the orthodontic procedure can be customized so that it is age-appropriate for you.
Book a consultation. The length of your treatment and the game plan for getting to the finish line will be personalized just for you. But first, the orthodontist will need to consider your age, your growth rate, and the current condition of your oral health. No matter your age, today can be the day that you get started. Just call to schedule your consultation with a Sturbridge orthodontist today.