Invisalign vs. Traditional Braces: Patient’s Perspective Short FAQs

When you first know about clear appliances, various question marks might come to mind. What are Invisalign clear straighteners? Are they as effective as traditional braces? How do they work? Also, what are the advantages of using Invisalign v.s traditional braces? There are so many questions and a full range of comprehensive answers. As we walk you through this article, we will clear your doubts about this innovative and state-of-the-art technology for a beautiful smile. With no further introduction, let´s begin.

Invisalign is a system delivered to you in the form of clear straightening trays. Invisalign is a discreet alignment system you can easily take off your mouth. In short, Invisalign is comfortable, predictable, easy to clean, and is invisible to the trained eye. Compared with traditional braces, Invisalign is even more powerful in its results and gentler in its feeling. In practice, you can brush your teeth and eat as you usually do; you just have to remove your appliances and place them back once finished brushing or eating.

Also, one of the most common questions new patients have in mind when first hearing about Invisalign is knowing if it is as effective as traditional braces. And the answer is a bold “yes.” Invisalign is a system that provides staggering results, similar to those you can obtain with traditional braces in a shorter time, depending on the case. Even when most people relate the expected results with those obtained with traditional braces, as they had been in the market for several decades already, Invisalign’s acceptance is increasing not only in the US but globally.  

Firstly, effectiveness is to think about how Invisalign does its job. On your first visit to your orthodontics specialist, they will get a detailed 3D scan of your teeth. The specialist creates a map with a full-range view of your dental structure before customizing your future appliances. Once you get your aligners, your orthodontist will evaluate them to ensure they are comfortable and meet exhaustive quality standards.

Secondly, your orthodontist will make a plan with scheduled check-ups every few weeks. You will be able to track your progress at every visit to your orthodontist. As well as with traditional braces, the treatment duration depends on the complexity and severity of each case.

However, you can expect to see results a few weeks after starting your treatment. The attractiveness of using Invisalign is that you can smile and see how your teeth get straight, and people will hardly notice you are wearing any device.

Along with this, there are lots of differences between Invisalign and traditional braces. In most cases, comparisons focus on the advantages of each. We wanted to guide your perception of both by answering some common questions. 

Which One Needs More Care and Time?

From a patient’s consistency perspective, Invisalign requires more care. Invisalign is a removable system. A patient needs to wear them for about 22 hours a day to see results. Being removable means they can be lost or forgotten after meals or brushing.

If properly used, Invisalign accounts for quicker treatment, according to the severity of each case. Invisalign results are more predictable, resulting in fewer visits to your orthodontics specialist. Invisalign accounts for 80% fewer visits to an orthodontist than with traditional braces.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Invisalign and Traditional Braces?

When comparing, Invisalign undoubtedly presents more advantages than its predecessor, the traditional braces. Most importantly, a short review includes:

  • Invisalign might be quicker than traditional braces. Some patients start seeing results after 6 months, while traditional braces have an average duration time of 18 months. However, please note that generally speaking, treatment with Invisalign might take around the same time as treatment with braces.
  • Invisible to the trained eye. You can smile, and people will barely notice you are wearing a straightening system.
  •  Easy to clean. You can easily remove your Invisalign trays to eat, brush, and floss your teeth. Also, you have no food restrictions throughout the treatment.
  • Comfortability. Invisalign adapts to your mouth, fitting snugly around your teeth.

What Are Invisalign Clear Aligners?

While traditional braces have been in the market for several decades, Invisalign has been a revolutionary system for straightening teeth since 2005. Its digital innovations have been in the market since 1997 with Align Technology, a pioneering company in the digital-led section behind Invisalign’s technology. As technology evolves, researchers introduce new materials and equipment. Invisalign has also designed special features for teens and kids. Sturbridge Invisalign owns over 450 patents, including a 2011 digital scanning system for accuracy in treatment and improved materials that enhance preciseness and comfortable trays.   

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

So far, we have talked about many of the most important benefits of Invisalign in Sturbridge. However, an informed decision on whether Invisalign or traditional braces better suit your needs also requires a financial evaluation. We have collected data from various sources to prepare a chart with referential values and average prices per type of treatment. However, a disclosure is essential as these represent approximate values. Please note that there is a fee to switch from Invisalign to braces.We recommend a case-specific evaluation for a detailed treatment price.

Cost Determining Factors
Treatment Type Approximately one year & Lower Complexity

Rural Area

Approximately three years & High Complexity

Major City

Average Treatment Cost
Traditional Metal braces $1.500 $5.500 $3.500
Self-ligating $1.800 $7.400 $4.600
Cost Determining Factors
Treatment Type Approximately one year & Lower Complexity

Rural Area

Approximately 18 months & High Complexity

Major City

Average Treatment Cost
Invisalign $3.000 $7.800 $5.400


When dealing with the cost of each possible treatment, Invisalign presents an average price of $800 higher than self-ligating braces. However, compared to the time needed to complete treatment, the cost might be lower. Based on this observation, Invisalign is a better option concerning costs.  

Sturbridge Invisalign for Adults

Having a beautiful smile has become a standard for young professionals. They know that a beautiful smile projects self-caring and professionalism, especially in executive areas, customer service, and interpersonal relations. It is also true that mature adults are concerned with their smiles and turning heads to invisible and more sophisticated treatments for a beautiful smile. 

Sturbridge Invisalign for Teens

As kids grow and turn into teens, they start to care about their appearance.

In some cases, acne and crooked teeth, and traditional braces might make them feel self-conscious. Therefore, Invisalign has become popular among teens now using invisible appliances to straighten their teeth.

Sturbridge Invisalign for Kids

This appliance treats simple and complex cases from ages 6 to 10. This particularity includes shaping a smile from patients, including crowding teeth, spacing between teeth, and fixing dental arches.

5 Tips And Tricks For Anyone With Braces

People who have had braces know very well that it takes a little time to adjust to the challenges that life with braces can bring. As orthodontists, we have to remind patients about some of the challenges they’ll be facing and how to overcome them.

If you’ve never had braces, and are thinking of getting them for the first time, don’t let the horror stories scare you away. The best orthodontist Sturbridge has available works beyond the appointments within the office setting. We like to share a few tips and tricks that can help our patients overcome obstacles, avoid problems, and enjoy a great smile in the process.

1. Tips on Orthodontic Emergencies

Many patients have the unwanted pleasure of dealing with these situations. A couple of things you should know about orthodontic emergencies are that they’re not life-threatening, and they have simple DIY solutions you can try while you wait for your next appointment with your orthodontist. Before we continue with some of the tips, please keep in mind that if you feel persistent pain, swelling, or excessive bleeding, you should contact emergency services instead.

  • If your bracket or band is loose- You can leave a loose bracket or band in place if it remains attached to the wire. You can secure it with a piece of orthodontic wax if it becomes uncomfortable or irritating. If the bracket or band has come off completely, place it in a small sandwich bag or wrap it in tissue for safekeeping.
  • If the wire has come out, you may be able to use a pair of small tweezers to get the wire back into place, or you can clip the end with nail clippers to prevent the wire from poking your cheeks and gums. The end of the wire could also be covered with orthodontic was for your comfort.
  • If the end of the wire is poking you- use the end of a pencil eraser or the back of a spoon to push the sharp tip down.
  • Keep some orthodontic was handy as it will help in many of these situations.

2. What to Eat During the First Week With Braces?

When you first get your braces on -and please keep in mind this will also work when you go to your orthodontist for an adjustment- your teeth will feel sore, and you will have an increased sensitivity to extreme cold and heat.

These first few days are critical in your adapting process, so you should know which foods to eat and what to avoid.

If you are hungry, try getting softer textured foods and stay away from processed sugars. Foods that are sticky or hard, even carrot sticks and sugar-free gum, can damage your braces. Foods and drinks with high sugar content are more likely to cause cavities.

In general, try these:

  • Soft and steamed vegetables.
  • Pasta dishes.
  • Rice.
  • Oven-baked fish.
  • Grilled chicken.
  • Not-so-hot soups.

3. Dealing With Discomfort and Mouth Sores

Unfortunately, every patient should expect some level of discomfort during their orthodontic care. Consider that as your braces push, pull, and rotate your teeth, the jawbone tissue at the base of each tooth dissolves. This motion, even though perfectly safe, thanks to your board-certified orthodontist’s expertise, will undoubtedly cause some discomfort.

The best thing to do is consult with your orthodontist and get some over-the-counter medication. If your teeth and gums feel sore, a warm saltwater rinse helps to soothe the gum tissues as well.

Pay close attention and check that the discomfort doesn’t turn into constant or throbbing pain, as that would require specialized help from emergency caregivers and signify a much more complex problem.

4. Keeping Your Teeth Clean During Orthodontics

Orthodontics is not just about realigning teeth and jaws. We aim to make your teeth healthier and reduce the obstacles that can prevent you from maintaining optimal dental health.

As such, we also want to help you maintain good dental hygiene during your treatment and avoid the dangers of tooth decay while you wear braces.

We will be the first to admit that braces don’t make your oral hygiene any easier, but it’s not impossible to keep your teeth clean. Check out some of the following tips:

  • Get a soft-bristled toothbrush that won’t damage your braces when you clean around them.
  • Rinse your mouth with abundant water prior to brushing to soften or dislodge any leftover food particles.
  • Brush your teeth after every meal you take, including snacks. Especially after snacks.
  • Floss your teeth at least once a day and floss around the brackets.
  • Consider getting an interdental brush or water irrigator for better results, but note these are complementary and not substitutes for brushing and flossing your teeth during your treatment with braces.

5. Don’t Stop Your Frequent Visits to a General Dentist

No. Your treatment with an orthodontist shouldn’t mean you don’t have to continue visiting a general dentist. In fact, in many cases, successful orthodontic treatment requires careful coordination between two or more dental health specialists.

Orthodontics can take several months. You should continue to visit your general dentist and get a full evaluation or deep and professional dental cleaning every six months.

Trust us; you won’t want to avoid those controls, as your dental health will suffer a lot.

Get in Touch With Your Sturbridge Orthodontist

Braces are an excellent choice for anyone who wants to improve the long-term health of their smile, but the process isn’t without some challenges. To give yourself the best opportunity for success, call to schedule an appointment with a Sturbridge orthodontist today.