How To Fix Your Bite With Orthodontics

In the orthodontic universe, we have an interesting term called malocclusion. It’s a medical term for bite problems, which impact a lot of patients. Today at Sturbridge Orthodontics, we want to tell you all about how orthodontics can fix your bite.

Types of Bite Conditions

You might be familiar with terms like overbite or underbite, but the complexities of bite issues can go beyond these. They can also involve gaps between your teeth. The natural growth patterns of our jaws or any trauma can lead to misalignment, impacting the proper functioning of your jaw.

Dr. Sabelis regularly deals with a range of bite problems at Sturbridge Orthodontics. We recommend viewing additional images online to gain a clearer understanding of some of the nuanced differences between these types of conditions!

  • Overbite (Deep Bite): An overbite occurs when the upper front teeth extend beyond the lower front teeth vertically. This may lead to substantial wear on the lower front teeth, as well as potential issues with the jaw.
  • Underbite: Conversely, an underbite is characterized by the lower front teeth extending beyond the upper front teeth. Underbites not only affect facial aesthetics but can also pose some issues with chewing.
  • Crossbite: This condition, affecting one or more teeth, can lead to uneven wear, gum recession, and misalignment of the jaw. It occurs when some upper teeth rest inside the lower teeth while your jaws are closed.
  • Crossbite (Anterior or Posterior): A crossbite can also occur in the back molars (posterior) or front teeth (anterior) of your upper and lower jaws.
  • Open Bite: An open bite occurs when the upper and lower front teeth do not meet upon closing the mouth. This condition can also result in speech difficulties, problems biting into some foods, and concerns related to physical appearance.
  • Crowding: Crowding is an issue when there is insufficient jaw space for the proper alignment of all of your teeth. This can be due to factors such as missing teeth, naturally small teeth, or excessive jaw space.
  • Midline Misalignment: Midline misalignment refers to a deviation in the centerline alignment of the upper and lower teeth, which usually impacts the symmetry of your smile.
  • Diastema: Diastema is defined by noticeable gaps between teeth, often prominently observed between the upper front teeth.

How To Fix Your Bite With Orthodontics

Consequences of Bite Issues

Before delving into the corrective strategies Dr. Sabelis can use, let’s look at some of the consequences of leaving these issues unaddressed:

  • Tooth Wear and Damage: Malocclusions can gradually cause uneven biting forces, leading to excessive wear on certain teeth. This uneven pressure can result in premature enamel erosion, as well as chipping or fractures of the teeth.
  • Jaw Pain and Discomfort: Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) disorders can be connected to misaligned jaws or an improper bite, which result in varying levels of discomfort, persistent jaw pain, and difficulties in opening and closing the mouth.
  • Increased Risk of Gum Disease: Misaligned teeth are harder to clean effectively, which increases the risk of plaque buildup and decay. This can lead to gum inflammation and the development of periodontal disease.
  • Breathing Problems: Crossbites and overbites commonly contribute to breathing difficulties. In certain severe cases, they can obstruct the jaws and airways.
  • Difficulty Chewing and Speaking: Bite issues can interfere with normal speech and chewing patterns, leading to digestive problems and speech difficulties due to improper food processing.
  • Limited Treatment Options: When bite problems aren’t addressed for an extended period, the range of effective treatments available to you can be significantly reduced. This could potentially involve more invasive procedures in addition to braces.

How We Correct Bite Problems

The primary objective of braces is to achieve some manner of alignment, whether it involves the bite, teeth, jaws, or a combination of both.

  • Correction of Overbite: Braces work to reposition both upper and lower teeth, promoting a more balanced bite.
  • Correction of Underbite: This typically involves repositioning the lower teeth backward to achieve proper alignment.
  • Correction of Open Bite: Braces effectively close the gap between the upper and lower teeth, ensuring proper alignment when the mouth is closed.
  • Jaw Correction: Braces play a key role in aligning the jaw, enhancing facial symmetry, and improving overall comfort.
  • Correction of Spacing: The pressure exerted by wires and brackets in traditional braces is effective in gradually closing gaps between teeth, making them a reliable solution for addressing spacing issues.

Braces present a great option for patients of various age groups, but we generally recommend addressing these issues sooner rather than later, if possible! For kiddos, in particular, braces play a pivotal role as a proactive oral health measure. It is crucial that we emphasize that it’s never too late, though; our treatments at Sturbridge Orthodontics are accessible for individuals of all ages.

How To Fix Your Bite With Orthodontics

A Better Bite

Whether you are a patient or a parent, we’re happy to tell you that your search for help ends here! If you are considering treatment for a bite issue, please contact our Sturbridge office today!